Hühnlein Honor Dagger
For many years, the NSKK Honor Dagger was known to be an original dagger, having surfaced in veteran hands throughout the years, around the world. Some doubts were raised among online forums about the authenticity of these pieces. That is until I personally veteran acquired this piece from the son of a veteran, who remembered it in his youth, in the 1960s, as his father's prized war souvenir. This particular specimen had the added bonus of being one of the only examples in the world that was personalized. After purchasing the piece from him, he was invited to speak at the MAX Show, where he finally put to rest the notion that this dagger type was anything but authentic. Most likely constructed using standard SA Honor Pieces at the Eickhorn factory, these daggers were presumably presented by Huhnlein, the NSKK Korpsführer, to select individuals. Only one photo exists of a recipient wearing an example (I wlll try to find and post this photo). In my career, I personally acquired not one, but two of these dagger-types. One in Holland and one (this one) in Pennsylvania. Please be advised this is not for sale.